Table 1.
Patient | Age | Smoker | Tumour | Subtype | PDL1 | pTNM | Stadium | Relapse |
1 | 71–75 | Former | AC | Acinary | 0 | pT2bN1M0 | IIB | No |
2 | 76–80 | Former | AC | Invasive mucinous | 0 | pTT2aN0M0 | IB | Yes |
3 | 71–75 | Former | AC | Micropapillary | 1 | pT1cN0M0 | IA3 | No |
4 | 71–75 | Current | SCC | Keratinizing SCC | 15 | pT3pN0M0 | IIB | No |
5 | 71–75 | Current | AC | Acinary | 30 | pT1cN0M1a | IVA | Yes |
6 | 66–70 | Never | AC | Acinary | 0 | pT3N1M0 | IIIA | Yes |
7 | 81–85 | Former | SCC | Nonkeratinizing SCC | 0 | pT2aN1M0 | IIB | Yes |
8 | 71–75 | Former | SCC | Nonkeratinizing SCC | 0 | pT3N0M0 | IIB | No |
9 | 81–85 | Former | SCC | Keratinizing SCC | 0 | pT2aN0M0 | IB | No |
10 | 71–75 | Former | AC | Micropapillary | 0 | pT3N2M0 | IIIB | No |
11 | 76–80 | Former | SCC | Keratinizing SCC | 0 | pT2bN0M0 | IIA | Yes |
12 | 56–60 | Current | AC | Cribriform | 0 | pT2aN2M0 | IIIA | No |
F: female; M: male; AC: adenocarcinoma; SCC: squamous cell carcinoma; pTNM and Stadium: histopathologic TNM Classification of Malignant Tumours (8th edition); Relapse: After a minimum of 12 months of observation after surgery.