Inclusion criteria
≥18 years of age;
Self-endorsing or identified by the patient as “a relative, friend, or partner who you have a close relationship and who assists you with medical care on a regular basis and who may or may not live in the same residence as you and who is not paid for their help”;
Either caring for a patient: a) residing in a rural zip code (as classified by the U.S. Census' Rural-Urban Commuting Area [RUCA] system as small rural, large rural, and isolated [hereafter referred to as “rural”]) or b) who is African-American/Black
Caring for a patient with advanced-stage cancer (see definition under Patient Inclusion criteria)
Caregivers will need NOT need to have an agreeable patient willing to participate in the study.
English-speaking and able to complete baseline measures.
Inclusion criteria
≥18 years of age;
Diagnosed within past 60–90 days of initial screening with an advanced cancer, defined as metastatic and/or recurrent and/or progressive stage III/IV solid-tumor cancers of the lung, breast, gynecologic, head and neck, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, and melanoma;
Either: a) resides in a rural zip code or b) is African-American/Black.
Exclusion criteria-
Self-reported severe mental illness (i.e., schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or major depressive disorder), dementia, active suicidal ideation, uncorrected hearing loss, or active substance abuse
Exclusion criteria-
Medical record documentation of active severe mental illness (i.e., schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or major depressive disorder), dementia, active suicidal ideation, uncorrected hearing loss, or active substance abuse.