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. 2019 Jun 24;115(14):1952–1962. doi: 10.1093/cvr/cvz162

Table 1.

Modified American Heart Association (AHA) classification of atherosclerotic lesions based on description18

AHA classification based on morphological description
Lesion type Descriptions Thrombosis
Non-atherosclerotic intimal lesions
 Intimal thickening The normal accumulation of smooth muscle cells (SMCs) in the intima in the absence of lipid or macrophage foam cells. Absent
 Intimal xanthoma, or ‘fatty streak’ Luminal accumulation of foam cells without a necrotic core or fibrous cap. Based on animal and human data, such lesions usually regress. Absent
Progressive atherosclerotic lesions
 Pathological intimal thickening SMCs in a proteoglycan-rich matrix with areas of extracellular lipid accumulation without necrosis. Absent
  With erosion Luminal thrombosis; plaque same as above. Thrombus mostly mural and infrequently occlusive
 Fibrous cap atheroma Well-formed necrotic core with an overlying fibrous cap. Absent
  With erosion Luminal thrombosis; plaque same as above; no communication of thrombus with necrotic core. Thrombus mostly mural and infrequently occlusive
 Thin fibrous cap atheroma A thin fibrous cap infiltrated by macrophages and lymphocytes with rare SMCs and an underlying necrotic core. Absent; may contain intraplaque haemorrhage/fibrin
  Plaque rupture Fibroatheroma with cap disruption; luminal thrombus communicates with the underlying necrotic core. Thrombus usually occlusive
 Calcified nodule Eruptive nodular calcification with underlying fibrocalcific plaque. Thrombus usually non-occlusive
 Fibrocalcific plaque Collagen-rich plaque with significant stenosis usually contains large areas of calcification with few inflammatory cells; a necrotic core may be present. Absent