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. 2019 Sep 3;294(46):17654–17668. doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA119.010201

Table 1.

RapidFire MS settings and information about precursor and product ions for each multiple reaction monitoring transition

Peptide number 3 4 5
Precursor ion 657.3 620.5 617.3
MS1 resolution Unit Unit Unit
Product ion 1061.5, 253.2 611.6, 536.3 536.4, 253.2
MS2 resolution Wide Wide Wide
Dwell (ms) 10 10 10
Fragmentor (V) 135 135 135
Collision energy (V) 12, 16 8, 10 10, 14
Cell acceleration (V) 5 5 5
Polarity Positive Positive Positive

a F*, ring 13C6-labeled phenylalanine.