Table 1.
List of 46 features from Seoul Neuropsychological Screening Battery test
1.Education duration, 2.Age, 3.Digit span Forward, 4.Digit span Backward, 5.Letter cancellation (o), 6.Spontaneous speech fluency(o), 7.Spontaneous speech contents(o), 8.Comprehension(o), 9.Naming KBNT, 10.Finger naming(o), 11.Right left orientation(o), 12.Body part identification(o), 13.Praxis Ideomotor(o), 14.Praxis buccofacial(o), 15.Calculation total score, 16.RCFT copy score, 17.RCFT copy time, 18.SVLT recall trial1, 19.SVLT recall trial2, 20.SVLT recall trial3, 21.SVLT total recall, 22.SVLT delayed recall, 23.SVLT recognition discriminability index, 24.RCFT immediate recall, 25.RCFT delayed recall, 26.RCFT recognition discriminability index, 27.Motor impersistence(o), 28.Contrasting program(o), 29.Go No Go(o), 30.Alternating hand movement(o), 31.Alternating square and triangle(o), 32.Luria loop(o), 33.COWAT animal, 34.COWAT supermarket, 35.COWAT phonemic total score, 36.StroopTest Word reading correct, 37.StroopTest Word reading error, 38.StroopTest Color reading correct, 39.StroopTest Color reading error, 40.MMSE orientation to time, 41.MMSE orientation to place, 42.MMSE Registation, 43.MMSE attention and calculation, 44.MMSE recall, 45.MMSE language, 46.MMSE drawing, 47.Outcome |
“(o)” was marked on the features of ordinal scale. SNSB, Seoul Neuropsychological Screening Battery; BNT, Boston Naming Test; RCFT, Rey–Osterrieth Complex Figure Test; SVLT, Seoul Verbal Learning Test; COWAT, Controlled Oral Word Association Test; MMSE, Mini Mental Status Examination, RFE, Recursive Feature Elimination