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. 2019 Nov 21;16:109. doi: 10.1186/s12966-019-0866-6

Table 1.

Study designs, characteristics and main results

Author and country Design Intervention n Age (y) or grade Duration Type of PA Achievement Measure(s) Achievement Outcome(s) Main Result
Long-term Interventions
 Beck et al. (2016), Denmark Cluster RCT Motor-enriched mathematics lessons 1) Fine motor math (FMM) 2) Gross motor math (GMM) 165 7.5 6 weeks Integrated/ specific movement Standardised Danish test; arithmetic and geometry GMM improved from T0 to T1. At T2 no significant differences between groups 0
 Da Cruz (2017), USA Group randomised trial Three 60 min MVPA activities/ week 167 12.1 17 weeks After school PA Woodcock-Johnson Test of Achievement III; math fluency and math applied problems Intervention group had significantly higher math fluency performance but not math applied problems than the control group +/0
 Davis et al. (2011), USA RCT After school exercise program 5d/week: 1) Low-dose, 20 mins of PA 2) High-dose, 40 mins of PA 171 9.3 13 weeks After school PE Woodcock-Johnson Test of Achievement III, broad mathematics clusters Significant benefit of exercise on mathematics achievement +
 Donnelly et al. (2009), USA Cluster RCT PA across the curriculum 90 mins weekly during academic lessons 203 7–8 3 years Integrated PA Standardised Wechsler Individual Achievement Test Significant improvement in intervention group math scores compared to the control schools +
 Donnelly et al. (2017), USA Cluster RCT 55 min/week of PA across curriculum (target 100 min), two 10-min lessons per day 584 8.1 3 years Integrated PA Standardised Wechsler Individual Achievement Test No significant impact of intervention on math achievement 0
 Elofsson et al. (2018), Sweden Pre-test vs post-test mixed factorial design Two 30 mins PA sessions/week: Math in action (MIA) group and Common numerical activities (CNA). Control group. 53 5.8 3 weeks Integrated PA Verbal arithmetic test MIA -group developed significantly more than students in control group with respect to counting forward, naming numbers, number line estimation, verbal addition and subtraction +
 Erwin et al. (2012), USA Quasi-experimental study Daily 20 min PA breaks with math content in class. 29 8.9 20 weeks PA breaks with math content Curriculum based math fluency 1 min test and stadardised tests Intervention students had significantly higher curriculum based math scores than the controls but not standardised tests or grades +
 Fedewa et al. (2015), USA Cluster RCT PA breaks throughout the day, 5 min at once, 20 min/day 460 grades 3–5 8 months PA breaks with math content National standardised Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Treatment classrooms experienced larger gains in mathematics achievement +
 Hraste et al. (2018), Croatia RCT 4 x PA integrated into 45 min mathematics/geometry lessons 36 10.4 1 week Integrated PA A standard test for assessing mathematical knowledge and a geometry test Experimental group was significantly more successful in the geometry tests than the control group +
 Gao et al. (2013), USA Crossover design 30 min of aerobic activities or exergaming (dance) three times a week 208 10–12 2 years PE lessons Math scores for the Utah Criterion-Referenced Test Children in PA intervention showed more improvement on math scores in year 1 and 2 than comparison groups +
 Katz et al. (2010), USA Intervention Multiple type structured PA breaks throughout the school day (> 30 mins/day) 1214 7–9 8 months PA break in class Missouri Academic Peformance (MAP) scores No significant differences between intervention and control groups in MAP scores of mathematics performance 0
 Lubans et al. (2018) Australia Cluster RCT Maximising students’ MVPA during PE classes through PE teacher in-service training 1173 12.9 7 months Higher intensity PE lessons National Assessment Program -Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN): understanding, fluency, problem solving, and reasoning in numeracy A small to medium effect on mathematics performance. The effect was equal to approximately one quarter of the increase in typical age-level mathematics performance. +
 Mavilidi et al. (2018), Australia Cluster RCT 15 min learning session once per week. Four intervention groups: 1) PA related to the learning tasks, 2) observation of peers’ PA 3) PA unrelated to the learning task 4) control condition 120 4.7 4 weeks Integrated PA + PA breaks Counting, number line estimation, block counting, numerical magnitude, comparison, numerical identification The performing integrated PA condition performed significantly better than the other conditions, with the largest effect on number line estimation and numerical magnitude comparison +
 Mead et al. (2016), USA Pretest–posttest design 1) Two 5-min PA breaks during each math period (ACTB), 2) Students always sat on stability balls (STAB) 81 11–12 1 year Stability ball and PA break Standards-based Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCA) and Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) PA breaks were not effective in improving math scores but use of stability balls was effective 0
 Mullender-Wijnsma et al. (2015), Netherlands Quasi-experimental design Physically active academic lessons 3x week. Each lesson had 10–15 min math problems and 10–15 min language problems 228 8.1 21 weeks Integrated PA Tempo Test Rekenen (Speed arithmetic test) 3rd grade intervention group scored significantly higher on mathematics compared to the controls while the 2nd grade group scored significantly lower than the controls +/−
 Mullender-Wijnsma et al. (2016), Netherlands Cluster RCT Physically active academic lessons 3x week. Each lesson had 10–15 min math problems and 10–15 min language problems 499 8.1 2 yrs. (22wk/year) Integrated PA Two standardised math tests (speed and general math skills) Intervention group had significantly greater gains in mathematics speed test and general mathematics +
 Resaland et al. (2016), Norway Cluster RCT 90 min/week physically active lessons (30 min math), 5 min/day PA breaks, 10 min/day PA homework 1129 10 7 months Integrated PA + PA breaks+ PA homework Standardised Norwegian national tests No significant intervention effect 0
 Resaland et al. (2018), Norway Cluster RCT 90 min/week physically active lessons (30 min math), 5 min/day PA breaks, 10 min/day PA homework 1129 10 7 months Integrated PA + PA breaks+ PA homework Standardised Norwegian national tests Boys and girls in the low performing tertile had a beneficial trend. Middle and high performing girls responded with negative trends. 0
 Riley et al. (2016), Australia RCT Movement based learning in mathematics 3 × 60 min/week. 240 11 6 weeks Integrated PA Standardised mathematics progressive achievement test No significant effect on mathematical performance 0
 Sallis et al. (1999), USA Experimental design Three days/week, 30 min lessons of 1) Specialist-taught program 2) Trained classroom teacher taught program 754 9 2 years Extra PE lessons Norm-referenced Metropolitan achievement test More time in PE did not have harmful effects on math achievement test scores 0
 Sjöwall et al. (2017), Sweden Intervention 180 min extra PA/ week 470 6–13 2 years Extra PA activities Arithmetic test: One min addition and subtraction No significant effects were found for arithmetic 0
 Snyder et al. (2017), USA Intervention Students active for at least 50% of the 70-min mathematics lesson 24 3rd grade 5 weeks Integrated PA Common Summative Assessment (CSA) No statistically significant differences between the two classrooms 0
 Tarp et al. (2016), Denmark Cluster RCT 60 min daily PA a) PA integrated into academic subjects b) Recess PA activities C) PA homework daily D) active transportation 632 12–13 20 weeks Integrated + recess PA + PA homework + active transportation Custom made grade specific mathematics tests: arithmetic, algebra, problem-solving and geometry No significant effect of the intervention on mathematics skills 0
 Watson et al. (2018,) Australia Cluster RCT 3 × 5 min active breaks in classroom daily, five times a week 312 9.1 6 weeks PA break in class Westwood one minute test on basic number facts (subtraction subtest) No intervention effect on mathematics 0
 Vetter et al. (2018), Australia Randomized crossover trial Three 20 min sessions/week, physically active learning of numeracy skill of times Tables (TT). 85 9.8 6 weeks Integrated PA Custom made curriculum based TT test and general standardised assessment from the Australian National Assessment Program-Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) No significant difference in the TT test between PA and control conditions. Significantly greater improvement in general numeracy for PA group than control group 0/+
Acute Effects
 Harveson et al. (2018), USA Randomized crossover design a) AE, 30 min aerobic exercise, b) RE, 30 min resistance exercise, c) NE, no exercise. 91 15.9 Three separate sessions separated by 7 days each PA session before test Battery of four 10-question math tests taken from New York State Testing Program exams Acute RE and AE did not significantly improve scores on a mathematics test 0
 Howie et al. (2015), USA Within-subjects randomised experiment PA breaks: 1) 5 min 2) 10 min 3) 20 min breaks or 10 min sedentary lesson 96 10.7 One consistent time of day and week PA breaks in class One min math fluency test based on state curriculum standards Math scores were higher after the 10-min and 20-min exercise breaks compared with the control, but not after the 5-min exercise break +
 Phillips et al. (2015), USA Within -subjects design, repeated measures design 20 min vigorous PA followed by a math test at 30 min and 45 min 72 14–15 One session PA session before test The New York State Testing Program: a) number sense and operations, b) algebra, c) geometry and d) measurement; 4 five-minute tests Students achieved 11–22% higher math scores at 30 min post PA compared with other time points +
 Thompson et al. (2016, USA) Cluster RCT, between-groups design Special 40 min PE class (min 20 of MVPA) directly before math test 791 10–11 One session PA session before test standardised Northwest Evaluation Association Measures of Academic Progress No statistically significant differences in change in math results 0
 Travlos (2010), Greece Experiment, within-subjects desing Interval aerobic run (four sets of 4-min run) PE lesson-before math test. 48 13–15 Four days PA session before test Simple addition problems; two min-speed and accuracy test Numerical speed and accuracy of students who attended the first, third, and fifth hour of the daily lessons increased, but there was a decrease in the sixth-hour lesson +

+ = positive effect; 0 = no effect; − = negative effect. MVPA moderate to vigorous physical activity, PA physical activity, RCT randomized controlled trial, PE physical education