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. 2019 Nov 22;17:208. doi: 10.1186/s12916-019-1452-0

Table 2.

Model parameters

Parameter India Indonesia China Philippines Pakistan Source
 Simulated population size 20,000
 Average household size 4.8 4.0 3.1 4.7 6.8 [27]
 Number of schools (/100,000 population) 115 96 37 57 157 [2832]
 Average number of potential contacts at work* 10–30 Assumption
 Proportion of the adult population engaged in regular work outside of the household (%) 53.8 66.3 68.9 62.3 54.4 [33]
 Proportion contacts which are of high intensity by location, with locations listed as households / schools / workplaces / other locations (%) 46 / 30 / 20 / 10 [10]
Natural history of TB
 Proportion of active TB cases sm+a / sm−b / extra-pc (%) 50 / 25 / 25 62 / 19 / 19 52 / 24 / 24 60 / 20 / 20 44 / 28 / 28 [34, 35]
 Rate of spontaneous clearance (sm+ / closed TBd years−1)* 0.18–0.29 / 0.09–0.24 [18]
 Rate of TB-specific mortality (sm+ / closed TB years−1)* 0.33–0.45 / 0.016–0.036 [18]
 Crude probability of TB transmission during a contact (×10−4)* 38.5 (30.2–44.9) 39.8 (34.1–45.2) 36.1 (32.4–40.2) 39.1 (32.3–47.4) 38.3 (30.8–44.3) Calibrated
 Relative probability of transmission per contact if low-intensity contacte 0.5 Assumption, tested in sensitivity analysis
Programmatic parameters
 BCG vaccine coverage Time-variant Time-variant Time-variant Time-variant Time-variant [36] Additional file 1: Figure S9
 Case detection rate Time-variant Time-variant Time-variant Time-variant Time-variant [37] Additional file 1: Figure S9
 Time from detection to treatment (days)* 0–14 [3841]
 Treatment success rate Time-variant Time-variant Time-variant Time-variant Time-variant [35] Additional file 1: Figure S9

*Parameters included in Latin hypercube sampling; a smear-positive TB; b smear-negative TB; c extrapulmonary TB; d either smear-negative or extrapulmonary TB; e reference: high-intensity contact