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. 2019 Nov 15;7:320. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2019.00320

Table 1.

Persistent luminescence NPs for bio-imaging and therapy.

Hosts Dopants Comments and applications in bio-imaging References
Gd2O2S Eu3+,Mg2+,Ti4+ Regular NP shape, bimodality optical/MRI Rosticher et al., 2015
Ca3(PO4)2/hydroxyapatite Mn2+,Tb3+,Dy3+ Fully biocompatible, NPs and in vivo imaging Rosticher et al., 2015
Ca2Si5N8 Eu2+,Tm3+ Bioimaging applications Maldiney et al., 2012
SrAl2O4 Eu2+,Dy3+ NPs, functionalization, Bioimaging applications, green emission Zeng et al., 2018
Ca0.2Zn0.9Mg0.9Si2O6 Mn2+,Eu2+,Dy3+ NPs, functionalization, pioneer work for bio-imaging: cancer cells imaging, cell targeting de Chermont et al., 2007
Ca1.86Mg0.14ZnSi2O7 Eu2+,Dy3+ FRET and various bio-sensing applications Sun et al., 2018
CaMgSi2O6 Mn2+,Eu2+,Pr3+ NPs, functionalization, bio-imaging Maldiney et al., 2011
MAlO3 (M = La, Gd) Mn4+/Ge4+ Bio-imaging in pork tissue Liu et al., 2016
GdAlO3 Mn4+,Ge4+Au
Trimodality imaging
Optical and magnetic dual mode imaging
Liu et al., 2016
Li et al., 2018b
ZnGa2O4 Cr3+ NPs, functionalization, bio-imaging (cancer cells imaging), Cell targeting, cytotoxicity, visible Light NIR
X-rays activation
Oral administration
Breast cancer imaging
Toxicology analysis
Protobiotic analysis
Maldiney et al., 2014a Xue et al., 2017; Liu et al., 2018a Ramirez-Garcia et al., 2017; Liu et al., 2017
ZnGa2O4 in hollow cavity Cr3+ Photodynamic therapies Wang et al., 2018
ZnGa2O4 Cr3+,Gd3+ NPs, functionalization, bimodality optical/NMR imaging Maldiney et al., 2015
ZnGa2O4/SiO2 Cr3+ Core-shell structure, drug delivery Maldiney et al., 2014b
ZnGa2O4/Fe2O3 Cr3+ Cell labeling and magnetic vectorization Teston et al., 2018
ZGOCS@m-SiO2@Gd2O3 Cr3+ Multimodal nanoprobes Zou et al., 2017
Zn1.1Ga1.8Ge0.1O4/SiO2 Cr3+,Eu3+ NPs, core-shell structure, drug delivery Shi et al., 2015a
Zn3Ga2Ge2O10 Cr3+ Imaging of pork tissue, Photostimulation, cytotoxicity Li et al., 2014a
Zn1.1Ga1.8Ge0.1O4@SiO2 Cr3+ Bio-imaging and drug delivery Liu et al., 2018b
Zn1.25Ga1.5Ge0.25O4 Cr3+,Yb3+,Er3+ Metastasis tracking and chemo-photodynamic therapy Li et al., 2018c
Zn1.1Ga1.8Ge0.1O4 Cr3+ Nanothermometry Yang et al., 2017a
Zn3Ga2Sn1O10 Cr3+ Imaging of goldfish Li et al., 2014b
Zn2.94Ga1.96Ge2O10 Cr3+,Pr3+ NPs, functionalization Abdukayum et al., 2013
Zn3Ga2Ge2O10 Cr3+ Recognition of breast cancer cells Li et al., 2015b
Zn3Ga2GeO8 Cr3+,Yb3+,Er3+ Upconversion Liu et al., 2014b
LiGa5O8 Cr3+/PEG-OCH3 NPs, functionalization, bio-imaging, Visible light stimulation, photostimulation Liu et al., 2013; Fu et al., 2014
Ca3Ga2Ge3O12 Cr3+,Yb3+,Tm3+ Pr3+,Yb3+ NIR stimulation, upconversion
in vivo imaging
Chen et al., 2014; Dai et al., 2017
m-SiO2@Gd3Ga5O12 Cr3+,Nd3+ Multimodal imaging and cancer therapy Shi et al., 2018
Sr2SnO4 Nd3+ Finger image Kamimura et al., 2014
SiO2/CaMgSi2O6 Eu2+,Pr3+,Mn2+ Bio-imaging, intraperitoneal injection
Photostimulation imaging of pork tissue
Li et al., 2014c
Y3Al2Ga3O12 Er3+,Cr3+ Imaging in the second biological window Xu et al., 2018b
NaYF4 + SrAl2O4 Yb3+,Tm3+, Eu2+,Dy3+ Upconversion & photodynamic therapy Hu et al., 2018b
Sr2MgSi2O7 Eu2+/3+,Dy3+ Photodynamic activation
Visualization of abdominal inflammation
Homayoni et al., 2016 Yu et al., 2018
La3Ga5GeO14@SiO2@Van(vancomycin) Cr3+,Zn2+ Bio-imaging-guided in vivo & drug delivery Zhan et al., 2018
CaTiO3 Pr3+,Yb3+,Tm3+ Upconverting and guided photothermal therapy Zhao et al., 2017
ZnSn2O4 Cr3+,Eu3+ Cellular and deep tissue imaging Li et al., 2017a
Sr3Sn2O7 Nd3+ Second window imaging Kamimura et al., 2017