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. 2019 Nov 20;85(1):137. doi: 10.5334/aogh.2581

Table 2.

Unadjusted measures of relative association from three articles in the global health literature.

Exposure Outcome Unexposed group outcome proportion Risk Ratioa Odds Ratiob Magnitude of odds ratio relative to risk ratioc

1 Surviving Ebola virus [32] Safe sexual behavior 14% 2.71 3.67 35%
2 Point-of-care testing [33] Antibiotic use 78% 0.82 0.50 178%
3 Drinking [34] Feelings of aggression 20% 3.1 6.7 116%

a Risk ratio (for “exposed” vs. “unexposed”) computed directly from outcome proportions reported in the article as none of the three articles used the risk ratio as a measure of relative association.

b Odds ratio is obtained from unadjusted logistic regression [32] or directly from outcome proportions reported [33,34].

c In these examples where the outcome is relatively common (i.e., >10%), if the odds ratio were to be incorrectly interpreted as a risk ratio, this is the magnitude of overstatement of relative association.