Figure 8.
Spinal GFAP mRNA levels are reduced following BIRT377 in both males and females. mRNA was extracted from tissues behaviorally verified in Figure 2B. (A-B) Astrocyte activation marker, GFAP, mRNA levels were increased on both sides of the spinal cord, in all mice with CCI (ipsilateral: F1,1 = 41.91, P < 0.0001; contralateral: F1,1 = 16.68, P = 0.0002). BIRT377 treatment reduced spinal GFAP mRNA levels in mice with CCI (ipsilateral: F1,1 = 5.533, P = 0.023; contralateral: F1,1 = 12.28, P = 0.001). In the contralateral side, CCI-induced GFAP mRNA levels were greater in females than in males (F1,1 = 9.9, P = 0.003). (C-D) Microglial proliferation marker, TMEM119, mRNA levels were increased following CCI (ipsilateral: F1,1 = 40.49, P < 0.0001; contralateral: F1,1 = 7.66, P = 0.008). Neuropathic females displayed significantly greater contralateral TMEM119 expression than neuropathic males (P = 0.015), as a main effect of sex (F1,1 = 4.16, P = 0.048) was observed. TMEM119 mRNA levels were comparable between BIRT377 or vehicle treated neuropathic males or females bilaterally. No significant difference was detected between male or female Sham + Veh. and Sham + BIRT group. *P values from post hoc comparisons ranges from P = 0.04 to P < 0.0001. n = 6 per group