Bone properties of irradiated (red) right tibia and non-irradiated (blue) left tibia. B6 = C57BL/6 mice, BAL = BALB/c mice, WT = wild type, OVX = ovariectomy. Parameters reported: length; trabecular parameters: bone volume fraction (Tb.BV/TV), thickness (Tb.Th), separation (Tb.Sp), number (Tb.N); cortical parameters: total area (Tt.Ar), cortical area (Ct.Ar), area fraction (Ct.Ar/Tt.Ar), thickness (Ct.Th); total bone mineral content (BMC); mechanical properties: stiffness, strength. The median of the distribution is reported in a black line for each box, while the edges of the box represent the 25th and 75th percentiles. Black dashed lines extend to the most extreme values not considered as outliers. Outliers are reported in red crosses.