Figure 3.
LKB1 is responsible for PKA-mediated stimulation of AMPK. (A) FTC-133 cells were treated with PKA activator (PKA) and/ or inhibitor (PKI) for the times shown, and immunoblotted for total and phospho- isoforms of LKB1, AMPK, and mTOR. Note that pLKB1 and pAMPK increase after PKA activator and this is blocked by PKI. (B) FTC-133 were treated as above and probed for total or phospho-TAK1 and for pCAMKII. IL-1 treatment is used as a positive control for pTAK1 induction, although induction is very modest in these cells. Note that neither protein is activated in response to PKA. GAPDH is shown as a loading control.