Table 3. Continuous depending variables—Difference between men and women.
Mean Men | Mean Women | t-value | d.f. | p | |
Wellbeing (WHOQOL-BREF) (All: a, e ♂: a ♀: a, e) |
97.267 | 97.091 | 0.536 | 7482 | 0.592 |
Mental health problems score (All: s, a, u ♂: a, e ♀: a, e) |
-0.082 | 0.049 | -10.346 | 8583 | 0.000 |
Physical health problems score (All: s, a, e, u ♂: a ♀: a, e) |
-0.089 | 0.057 | -10.469 | 8539 | 0.000 |
Body Mass Index (All: s, a, u ♂: a, e ♀: a) |
26.061 | 24.519 | 15.037 | 10771 | 0.000 |
Intensity of liking dogs (All: s, a, e, u ♂: e, u ♀: a, e, u) |
67.858 | 76.669 | -14.516 | 9482 | 0.000 |
Intensity of liking cats (All: s, a, e ♂: a, e ♀: e) |
61.225 | 71.854 | -15.926 | 9453 | 0.000 |
Preferrence dogs to cats (All: s, e, u ♂: u ♀: u) |
6.646 | 4.928 | 2.053 | 9391 | 0.040 |
Sexual activity (All: s, a, u ♂: a, u ♀: a, u) |
-0.024 | 0.026 | -2.869 | 7373 | 0.004 |
Sexual desire (All: s, e ♂: a, e, u ♀: 0) |
7.266 | 6.975 | 6.806 | 7242 | 0.000 |
For the explanation of codes in the column 1 see the Table 2.