(A) Hierarchical clustering of gene expression of AcKO, DcKO, ADcKO, and respective control (Ctrl) P22 mouse cerebellum for genes detected as significantly dysregulated (false discovery rate [FDR], <0.05) in analysis of RNA-seq from Ctrl and ADcKO cerebellum (n = 4 biological replicates per genotype). Four clusters are indicated on the left side of the heatmap. Heat represents Z score of log2 cpm (counts per million) for a given gene.
(B) Box-whisker plots representing median and distribution of the Z score of log2 cpm for control, AcKO, DcKO, and ADcKO mice show distinct trends in gene expression for each of the four clusters (C1–C4) of genes identified in (A). ****p < 10−4, ***p < 10−3, one-way ANOVA, Tukey’s multiple comparison test; n.s., not significant.
(C) WashU Epigenome browser view of RNA-seq coverage from AcKO, DcKO, ADcKO, and respective control (Ctrl) mice, illustrating changes in gene expression for each of the four clusters (C1–C4).
See also Figure S2.