A) Surface electrostatic potential reveals a lack of salt-bridge acceptors at the RNF38
RING interface (circled region). Color scale varies from −8 to +8 k
BT/e. (
B) Negatively charged residues near the interface of RNF38
C) Negatively charged residues at/near the interface of TRAF6
D) The CSPs for residues in RNF38
RING upon binding to UBC13. The black dashed lines correspond to Mean + SD and Mean + 2*SD, respectively. The secondary structure alignment of RNF38
RING against its sequence is provided above the plot. A couple of amide resonances at the helix α2 broadened during titration, which is marked by asterisk. (
E) The NMR data-driven model of UBC13/RNF38
RING complex calculated by HADDOCK (
Dominguez et al., 2003). (
F) The interface is zoomed in, and the R14/M417 contact at the interface is shown by the red line. The Zn atoms in RNF38 (magenta) and coordinating Cysteines/Histidines are also displayed.