Variables |
Number of susceptible juveniles |
Sf(a), Sm(a) |
Number of susceptible adult women and men with sexual activity a
Sf, Sm
Number of susceptible adult women and men: Eq. (7) |
Number of infected juveniles |
If(a), Im(a) |
Number of infected adult women and men with sexual activity a
If, Im
Number of infected adult women and men: Eq. (8) |
Nf, Nm
Number of adult women and men: Sf + If, Sm + Im
Θf, Θm
Probability that a sexual partner of a man or woman is infected |
kf, km
Mean number of sexual contacts per unit of time: Eq. (5) |
cf, cm
Effective number of sexual contacts per unit of time: Eq. (6) |
Parameters |
a |
Sexual activity of each individual |
pf(a), pm(a) |
Distribution of sexual activity of women and men |
a |
Mean sexual activity: a = 1 |
B |
Number of births per unit of time |
α |
vertical transmission rate from mother to infant (0 ≤ α ≤ 1) |
vertical transmission from mother to infant (0 ≤ αeff ≤ 1): Eq. (15) |
δ |
Rate of infertility or stillbirth caused by infection (0 ≤ δ ≤ 1) |
λ, λ' |
Maturing rate for susceptible juveniles and infected juveniles |
Natural and pathogenic mortality rates of juveniles |
Natural and pathogenic mortality rates of adult women |
Natural and pathogenic mortality rates of adult men |
ηj, ηf, ηm
Recovery rates of juveniles, adult women, and adult men |
γ |
Proportion of men at the time of coming of age (0 < γ < 1) |
Sexual transmission rate from male to female (0 < βm→f < 1) |
Sexual transmission rate from female to male (0 < βf→m < 1) |