Figure 5. T cell-independent and -dependent and antigen-specific IgM ASCs accumulate in inflamed skin.
(a) Skin inflammation was induced in wildtype and Tcrβδ−/− mice by s.c. injection of CFA. 3 weeks later, cells were isolated from inflamed and uninflamed (non-lesional) skin of the same mice and the frequency of IgM ASCs among all isolated cells was determined by ELISPOT assay. (b and c) Wildtype mice were immunized with CFA plus thymus-independent antigen NP-Ficoll (b) or thymus-dependent antigen NP-OVA (c). 3 weeks post immunization, cells were isolated and the frequency of total and NP-specific IgM ASCs determined by ELISPOT assay. Data indicate means ± SEM of 7–8 mice per group from 2 independent experiments (a) or from one representative experiment of a minimum of 3 performed with 4–5 mice per group each (b and c). WT, wildtype; dLN, draining lymph node; NP, 4-Hydroxy-3-nitrophenyacetyl; OVA, ovalbumin; n.s., not significant using the Kruskal-Wallis test followed by Dunn’s post-test.