Figure 2.
The brain images of stroke lesions and time-frequency analyses of beta oscillatory activities of 2 individual patients. (a) Patient No. 18 had an ischemic stroke in the left-side corona radiata. Left panel: the lesion site of this patient (red arrow) in the diffusion-weighted MRI image. Right panel: time-frequency maps and time courses of beta oscillatory activity under each condition. The powers of beta oscillatory activity of this patient in the resting, observation only, video AOE, and affected hand AOE conditions were 5.05, 4.54, 0.15, and 1.21, respectively. (b) Patient No. 20 had a hemorrhagic stroke in the right-side putamen. Left panel: the lesion site of this patient (red arrow) in the T2-weighted MRI image. Right panel: time-frequency maps and time courses of oscillatory activity under each condition. The powers of beta oscillatory activity of this patient in the resting, observation only, video AOE, and affected hand AOE conditions were 4.71, 2.86, 0.97, and 2.26, respectively. Note: AOE = action observation and execution.