(a) Schematic of the intrinsic optical signal imaging.
(b) Representative amplitude maps from stimulation of the
ipsilateral (top) and contralateral (bottom) eyes for mice treated with saline
(S), nadolol/clenbuterol (NC), and DSP4. Non-deprived (ND) maps are shown for S
treatment. All other maps are after 4 days of monocular deprivation (4MD), these
maps are representative of the presented findings. (c)
Quantification of the ocular dominance index (ODI) demonstrates ocular dominance
shifts with S and nadolol (N) treatment, but no shifts with NC and DSP4
treatment (n: S ND=15, S 4MD=14, N ND=6, N 4MD=6, NC ND=6, NC 4MD=11, DSP4 ND=6,
DSP4 4MD=8 mice, two-way ANOVA, main effects of MD (p=0.00033, F(1,76)=14.15),
and treatment (p=0.0025, F(4,76)=4.51), and interaction (p=0.00035,
F(4,76)=5.89). Holm-Sidak multiple comparisons: S 4MD v. NC 4MD p=0.00014, S 4MD
v. DSP4 4MD, p=1.0×10−5). (d) Example
imaging of a single dendrite (magenta) and microglial process (green) across 35
minutes showing numerous putative microglia dendritic spine interactions (white
arrowheads). (e) NC treatment reduces the proportion of dendritic
spines contacted by microglial processes over one hour (n: S=7, N=3, NC=5,
DSP4=4 mice, one-way ANOVA, p=0.022, F(3,15)=4.35, Holm-Sidak multiple
comparisons: S v. NC p=0.041, N v. NC, p=0.061). Scale bar = 5μm. Graphs
show mean±SEM. Abbreviations: S=saline, N=nadolol,
NC=nadolol/clenbuterol, ICI=ICI-118,551, DSP4=
N-(2-Chloroethyl)-N-ethyl-2-bromobenzylamine; ND=non-deprived, 4MD=4 days
monocular deprivation; *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.005.
Points represent individual animals. See Supplementary Table 1 for the
number of females and males used in these experiments.