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. 2019 Nov 25;5(4):00253-2018. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00253-2018


Respiratory drug use in the 12 months preceding omalizumab initiation in asthma patients in Belgium 2010–2016 (n=2068)

Asthma maintenance therapy
 Patients on ICSs (with or without LABAs) 1943 (94%)
 Patients on LABAs (with or without ICSs) 1917 (93%)
 Number of DDs of ICSs (with or without LABAs) per year 240 (120–353)
 Patients with at least one dispensing of a systemic corticosteroid 1757 (85%)
 Number of DDDs of systemic corticosteroids per year 108 (58–256)
 Patients on systemic corticosteroids as maintenance therapy (>180 DDDs per year) 648 (31%)
 Patients on xanthines 340 (16%)
 Patients on LTRAs 1.450 (70%)
Rescue medication
 Number of DDDs SABAs+DDDs SAMAs (as rescue medication) 83 (25–267)
Use of long-acting bronchodilators other than LABAs
 Patients on LAMAs 442 (21%)
Asthma burden
 Patients being hospitalised in the past year with need of systemic corticosteroids 496 (24%)
 Patients visiting ED in the past year with need of systemic corticosteroids 85 (4%)
 Patients being hospitalised or visiting the ED in the past year with use of systemic corticosteroids 502 (24%)

Data are presented as n (%) or median (interquartile range). As no defined daily doses (DDDs) are provided by the World Health Organization for the fixed long-acting β2-agonist (LABA)+inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) combinations, the number of daily doses (DDs) as described in the scientific notice are provided. LTRA: leukotriene receptor antagonist; SABA: short-acting β2-agonist; SAMA: short-acting muscarinic antagonist; LAMA: long-acting muscarinic antagonist; ED: emergency department.