Fig. 4.
Heat shock (A), short-term iron deficiency (B), and short-term alkaline stress (C) induce phase advances in specific circadian components in soybean leaves. The angular coordinates represent Phase24. The −log10-transformed oscillation P values represent the robustness of the oscillation and are plotted as radial coordinates. Circles represent control samples, and the triangles represent treated samples. The size of the symbols is proportional to the SE (SEM) of Phase24, as illustrated in the key. The arrows pointing from control to treated samples represent the direction of the phase shift. Student’s t tests with the Benjamini–Hochberg multiple comparison correction were used to compare control and treated samples and derive FDR. To highlight statistically significant changes and apply a high stringency level to oscillation robustness, only genes with oscillation P values < 10−10 and FDRs < 0.05 were plotted.