Gut microbial metabolites and GPR43 regulate the intestinal Angptl4-LPL axis in fasted mice. (A) Mice were fasted and assessed for cecal SCFA levels at 0 and 48 h (n = 8). (B) mRNA expression of Angptl4, Lpl, and Gpr43 in the small intestines of wild-type and Gpr43−/− mice (n = 8). (C) Wild-type and Gpr43−/− mice were treated with antibiotics in drinking water for 1 wk, followed by fasting for 48 h. Shown is the mRNA expression of Angptl4 in small intestines of wild-type and Gpr43−/− mice with or without antibiotic treatment (n = 8). (D) Intestinal LPL activity was measured in fasted-mice (n = 8). LPL activity is expressed as relative to the LPL levels of nonfasting mice. **P < 0.01; *P < 0.05, Tukey–Kramer test. Abx, antibiotics, NS, not significant. All data are presented as mean ± SEM.