(A) Frequency of GFP+ B cell subsets isolated from spleens of KPC orthotopic tumor-bearing and non-tumor bearing (naïve) Il12aGFP mice measured by flow cytometry; n=6, *=p<0.05, ns=p>0.05.
(B) Mean fluorescent intensity (MFI) of GFP in GFP+ B cell subsets isolated from spleens and tumors of KPC orthotopic tumor-bearing and non-tumor bearing (naïve) Il12aGFP measured by flow cytometry mice; n=6, *=p<0.05, ns=p>0.05.
(C) Frequency of GFP+ B cell subsets isolated from orthotopic KPC pancreatic tumors of Il12aGFP mice measured by flow cytometry; n=6.
(D) Proportions of CD19+GFP+ cell populations isolated from Il12aGFP orthotopic KPC pancreatic tumors; n=6.