Fig. 4.
The length of poly(A) tail positively correlates with protein level. a Violin plot for poly(A) tail length distribution of low protein abundance and high protein abundance genes (genes with at least ten detected transcripts are included in the analysis). The two dotted lines represent the mean lengths of poly(A) tails of low protein abundance genes (pink) and high protein abundance genes (light blue). The p value was calculated by unpaired and two-sided Student’s t test. b Functional categorization of genes in high protein abundance gene and low protein abundance gene clusters by the KEGG pathway analysis (p value cutoff = 0.05). The p value is calculated by hypergeometric test. c Poly(A) tail length distributions for four high protein abundance genes (Dnmt1, Tle6, Npm2, and Zp2, cyan) and four low protein abundance genes (Btg4, Cnot7, Cnot6l, and Plat, pink). A blue dotted line indicating 60 nt used to help visualization of the poly(A) tail length difference between high protein abundance and low protein abundance gene groups. The black points indicate the mean poly(A) tail length of each gene. The number of CCS reads used are 390 (Dnmt1), 287 (Tle6), 146 (Npm2), 144 (Zp2), 685 (Btg4), 94 (Cnot7), 73 (cnot6l), and 413 (Plat). d Validation of the poly(A) tail length of the genes shown in Fig. 3c by PAT assay. The dark blue arrowheads represent bands with no poly(A) tail (A0), and the cyan (high protein abundance) and the pink (low protein abundance) arrowheads represent bands with poly(A) tail (polyadenylation). M, marker. Due to additional G tailing and adaptor sequence, the length of polyadenylation PCR products minus A0 products is at least 35 bp longer than the actual poly(A) tails43. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.