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. 2019 Aug 20;46(5):337–347. doi: 10.1159/000502124

Table 1.

Recent literature on the impact of Luminex-detected pretransplant HLA antibodies (ab) on lung transplant outcome

Reference Patients,n Study period MFI Anti-HLA ab DSA AMR BOS 1-year survival XM Risk predictor Patient selection
Smithet al.[8], 2014 425 1991–2003 >5,000 63 12/27 na ns CDC DSA (MFI >5,000) and DSA+C4d Retrospective, single center
C4d+ 9/27 ↓↓
>2,000–5,000 7/27 ns
<2,000 8/27 ns

Kimet al. [66], 2014 224 (waiting list), 126 (transplanted) 2008–2012 >3,000 77 na na ns CDC DSA (MFI >3,000) for AMR Retrospective, single center
>1,000–3,000 54 ns na ns

Chinet al. [42], 2015 195 2008–2012 >500 87 56 ns ns ns CDC Retrospective, single center

Brugière et al. [43], 2013 56 Before 2008 >300 47 18 na ↑ (for class II ab) na DSA class II Retrospective, single center

DSA, donor-specific HLAantibodies;AMR, antibody-mediated rejection; BOS, bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome; MFI, mean fluorescence intensity; ns, nonsignificant difference; na, not applicable; XM, crossmatch.