Table 2.
Summary of recent studies in the internalizing domain.
Study | Design | Participants | Behavioral/ Imaging Measures of
Interest |
Alcohol-Related Measures of Interest | Main Findings | Gender-Related Differences |
Neuroimaging Studies of Emotional Control | ||||||
Peraza et al., 2015 | Cross-sectional | N=29; FH+ =14, (M=13.73 yrs, SD=1.49), FH− =15 (M=13.67 yrs, SD=1.60) | Adapted Masked Faces Task | FH+ vs. FH− | FH−: deactivated to both masked
fearful and neutral faces in the left superior parietal
lobule. FH+: only deactivated to masked fearful faces |
41% female; Gender-related differences not assessed |
Cservenka et al., 2014 | Cross-sectional | N=36; FH+ =19 (M=14.92 yrs, SD 1.34), FH+ =17 (M=14.69 yrs, SD=1.10) | Emotional Go/No-Go Task; Resting state | FH+ vs. FH− | FH+: reduced activation during positive emotional contexts in left superior temporal cortex, reduced activation in frontal and striatal regions during emotionally-valenced inhibitory control trials; greater negative connectivity between left amygdala and left superior frontal gyrus | 47% female; Gender-related differences not assessed |
Hardee et al., 2017 | Longitudinal; 3–4 fMRI scans per participant, 1–2 yrs between scans | N=36; age range 8.5–17.6 yrs (M=12.8 yrs, SD=2.3) | Emotional Word Task; Internalizing/externalizing | Family history of AUD | Males: internalizing symptoms significantly decreased with age; fMRI activation for negative vs. neutral words significantly decreased with age in right amygdala, right precentral gyrus. Females: internalizing symptoms significantly increased with age. No significant change for fMRI activation in two ROIs, but activation was sustained across age in both regions | 50% female; Primary aim of study was gender-related differences |
Considerations in Internalizing Research | ||||||
Edwards et al., 2014 | Longitudinal; Baseline internalizing then follow-up every 1.5–2 yrs | N=11,157; baseline internalizing M=3.9 yrs; T1=6.8 yrs; T2=8.1 yrs; T3=9.5 yrs; T4=11.7 yrs (no SD); alcohol use M=13.8 yrs SD=2.5 mos | Internalizing (maternal report) | Alcohol use; maternal depression | Children with elevated internalizing symptoms: less likely to use alcohol in early adolescence, both for those who displayed increasing levels of internalizing symptoms over time and those who had desisting symptoms over time | 50% female; Gender used as a covariate in follow-up analyses |
Cerda et al., 2013 | Longitudinal; Baseline substance use and psychiatric disorder measures, then follow-up annually | N=460 (alcohol follow-up sample); baseline M=6.7 yrs (no SD); assessed annually until age 19 | Depression, anxiety, conduct disorder symptoms | Alcohol and marijuana use | Recent anxiety and conduct disorder symptoms (year prior to measurement), as well as cumulative conduct disorder and depression symptoms (up to two years prior to measurement), were associated with earlier alcohol use onset | 0% female |
Hulvershorn et al., 2013 | Cross-sectional | N=37; high risk=19 (M=12.2 yrs, SD 1.4), healthy controls=18 (M=11.9 yrs, SD=1.4) | Facial Emotion Matching Task; Emotional traits | FH+ & high externalizing (high risk) vs. FH− & no externalizing | High risk group: greater activation in right medial prefrontal cortex, left precuneus, right and left occipital cortex; occipital activation positively correlated with parent-report of emotional lability/negativity and emotional flatness | 32% female; Groups matched on gender but gender-related differences were not assessed |
Environmental Influences on Internalizing Pathways for AUD | ||||||
Casement et al., 2015 | Mediation | N=153; Stressful life events: 15–18 yrs, fMRI scan: 20 yrs (M=19.52, SD=0.51), alcohol dependence: 20 yrs | Reward Guessing Task; Stressful life events | Alcohol problems | Greater number of cumulative life stressors during adolescence associated with lower brain activation in mPFC during both reward anticipation and receipt. mPFC response to rewards significant mediator between adolescent life stress and symptoms of alcohol dependence measured at age 20 | 0% female |
Nikolova et al., 2016 | Prospective; Baseline fMRI and substance use follow-up 3 mos later | N=759; M=19.65 yrs, SD=1.24 | Stressful life events; Number Guessing Reward Task | Alcohol problems | Positive correlation between stress and problem drinking; moderated by threat-related amygdala in individuals with high amygdala but low VS activation | 56% female; Males showed greater activation in the amygdala and VS and higher AUDIT scores |
Note. M mean age, SD standard deviation, FH+ family history positive, FH− family history negative, yrs years, AUD alcohol use disorder, fMRI functional magnetic resonance imaging, ROIs regions of interest, T time, mos months, mPFC medial prefrontal cortex, VS ventral striatum, AUDIT Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test