Figure 3.
Microphysiological systems with integrated functional sensors. (a) (left) Bright field image showing gold electrodes (black rectangles) integrated in a liver injury MPS to monitor transforming growth factor (TGF)-β and the principle of TGF-β detection. (right) Monitoring TGF-β release in an MPS while (1) hepatocytes were exposed to culture media containing alcohol, (2) intercellular communication occurred between injured hepatocytes and stellate cells, and (3) stellate cells were sequestered from hepatocytes. Squares curve (□) represents control experiment where neutralizing antibody was used at the hepatocyte–stellate cell communication stage. Reprinted with permission from Zhou 2015.86 Copyright 2015 The Royal Society of Chemistry. (b) (left) Photograph of automated multiplexed regeneration microfluidic chip. (middle) Schematic showing the design of the multiplexed microfluidic chip for precisely timed injections of the chemicals for electrochemical detection. (right) Schematic diagram showing the functionalization and regeneration process for measuring soluble antigens. Reprinted with permission from Zhang 2017.88 Copyright 2017 National Academy of Sciences. (c) (left) Schematic diagram of biomimetic human heart-liver-cancer-on-chips. (right) Graphs of in-line automated electrochemical measurements of albumin and GST-α secreted from the liver cancer organoids, electrochemical measurements of creatine kinase MB (CK-MB) from the cardiac organoids, and beating analysis of the cardiac organoids. Reprinted with permission from Zhang 2017.88 Copyright 2017 National Academy of Sciences.