Figure 10. HFD increases severity of CV lesions in SIV-infected PTMs.
Representative H&E images of (A) myocardial and (B) epicardial immune infiltration, (C) lymphoid aggregates in epicardium, (D) myocardial cytolysis, (E) myocardial fatty infiltration (arrows), (F) microthrombi (arrows), (G) aortic dissection, (H) myocardial and (I) pericardial fibrosis in HFD-receiving PTMs. (J) Representative trichrome-stained images of cardiac fibrosis observed in HFD-receiving infected PTMs compared with control-infected and SIV– PTMs. Quantification of the percent area of collagen is shown in (K). Data were compared with Kruskal-Wallis test corrected for multiple comparisons and are presented as individual values with median. Sample size (n) and P values are presented on graphs. SIV–, preinfection pre-HFD; SIV+, chronic infection without HFD; HFD SIV+, chronic infection with HFD. (L) Representative H&E images of signs of evolving atherosclerosis with organized thrombus in HFD-receiving PTMs. Original magnifications: ×200.