Figure 1.
Architecture of AFE design for artefact-free LFP recording during DBS. The AFE consists of (a) a differential pre-amplification stage with high-pass characteristics, which suppresses the CMAV, (b) an 8th order analog notch filter that suppresses the main frequency of the DMAV, (c) a 2nd order analog low-pass filter that suppresses the high-frequency harmonics of the DMAV and (d) a final amplification stage that uses a programmable gain instrumentation amplifier to achieve the required gain. Two AFEs, based on the architecture presented above, have been designed. They only differ in their second stage, where the first AFE (Chebyshev notch channel) employs an 8th order Chebyshev notch filter, whereas the second AFE (Bessel notch channel) employs an 8th order Bessel notch filter.