Measured Bode magnitude plot with the gain of both channels set at 60 dB (a) and
input-referred noise (b) of the Chebyshev notch channel (red line) and the
Bessel notch channel (blue line). (a) Both channels provide a passband between
0.5 and 500 Hz. The roll-off of the high- and the low-pass filters equals +20
dB/decade and −40 dB/decade, respectively, for both topologies. However,
the Chebyshev notch channel provides a sharper transition between the passband
and the stopband and stronger attenuation at the central frequency of the notch
(=140 Hz), compared to the Bessel notch channel. Besides, the Chebyshev notch
channel exhibits a flat magnitude response in the passband and approximates the
magnitude response of the Bessel notch channel. (b) Based on the input-referred
noise graph, it is concluded that both channels are low-noise with the Chebyshev
notch channel presenting a slightly better noise performance. Noise power
spectral density estimates in the passband for the Chebyshev and the Bessel
notch channels are 4 nV and 4.4 nV respectively, with the residual
1/f corner estimated at roughly 10 Hz for both