Figure 4.
Leptomonas wallacei infection induces reproductive fitness reduction in Oncopeltus fasciatus. (A) Reproductively active adult females and males were collected and weighed using a precision balance (UF-uninfected female, IF-infected female, UM-uninfected male, IM- infected male) * represent significant differences in the one-way ANOVA test. (B) Oviposition from both colonies was monitored daily for two weeks and the average daily ovipostion was predicted using the zero-inflated Poisson model. Generalized linear model formulation was used with the R statistical pscl package to compute environmental variables. (Uninfected n = 17 and infected n = 20). (C) Egg eclosion was determined by counting the number of ecloded eggs laid from both colonies. The x-axis shows the estimated proportion of eclosion and the y-axis shows the probable density (uninfected n = 90 and infected n = 120). (D) Representative images of the morphology of female ovaries from an uninfected or infected female. (E) Egg reabsorption was observed by classifying and counting the number of eggs in dissected females. The x-axis shows the estimated proportion of reabsorption and the y-axis shows the probability density (uninfected n = 30 and infected n = 30).