Fig. 5.
HOXB-AS3 regulates rRNA transcription via guiding the EBP1 protein to the rDNA locus. a Relative pre-rRNA expression in OCI-AML3 cells treated with scramble or anti-HOXB-AS3 gapmers. b Occupancy of ribosomal DNA promoter repeat sequence (28S rDNA) by POLR1A in scramble versus HOXB-AS3 KD OCI-AML3 cells. c Sucrose gradient-based isolation and quantification (via ultraviolet radiation absorbance) of ribosomes and polysomes in scramble versus HOXB-AS3 KD OCI-AML3 cells. d Effect of HOXB-AS3 depletion on de novo protein synthesis in OCI-AML3 cells,The flow cytometry graph from one representative experiment is shown. e Comparison of the mean fluorescence intensity of the Alexa Fluor 488-positive OCI-AML3 cells treated with scramble versus HOXB-AS3 KD, in de novo protein synthesis assays. Results of four independent experiments are shown. f Relative 5-ETS pre-rRNA expression in human AML patient blasts treated in vivo with scramble versus anti-HOXB-AS3 gapmers. Results of three scramble and four HOXB-AS3 KD-treated mice are depicted in aggregate. g, h Effect of HOXB-AS3 KD on de novo protein synthesis in in vivo treated human AML blasts. i Relative pre-rRNA expression in K-562 cells transfected with empty vector (control) or HOXB-AS3 overexpressing vectors. j Occupancy of 28S rDNA by POLR1A in K-562 cells transfected with control or HOXB-AS3 overexpressing vectors. k Relative luciferase-reporter (luc/pRL-TK) activity in K-562 cells transfected with empty control (pIRES-Luc) or rDNA-promoter-containing (pHrD-IRES-Luc) luciferase-reporter vectors, and control or HOXB-AS3 overexpressing vectors. l Comparison of the mean fluorescence intensity of the Alexa Fluor 488-positive K-562 cells, transfected with control or HOXB-AS3 overexpressing vectors in de novo protein synthesis assays. Results of three independent experiments are shown. m Occupancy of 28S rDNA by EBP1 in scramble versus HOXB-AS3 KD OCI-AML3 cells. n Enrichment of 28S rDNA or the ACTB promoter region in RAP-DNA-based isolation of chromatin with control or HOXB-AS3-hybridizing biotinylated probes. P values were calculated using paired two-sided t-tests. In the figures, heights of boxplots indicate mean values with standard deviation. Error bars indicate highest and lowest values in each population. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.