Figure 1.
Identification of cells co‐expressing PDX1, SOX9, and PTF1A. (A): E‐CADHERIN (green) and PDX1 (red) expression in the pancreatic epithelium at GA 13.5 and 17WGA. Nuclei are in DAPI (blue). Scale bar: 100 μm. (B, C): Cells co‐expressing SOX9 (red), PDX1 (gray), and PTF1A (green), indicated by arrowheads, are found at the tips of the branching epithelium (be) at 13.5WGA (B) and 17WGA (C) and are distinguished from developing ducts (d), marked by SOX9 expression. Scale bar: 25 μm. (D): Flow cytometry analysis shows that SOX9+/PTF1A+ cells (Q2) were detected at different GA: 13.5W (n = 1), 14.5W (n = 2), 17W (n = 2), and 17.5W (n = 1). Single positive SOX9+/PTF1A− cells (Q1) and PTF1A+/SOX9− cells (Q4) were also detected. The percentage of each subpopulation is reported in the respective representative graphs. Quadrant gating was performed based on unstained control for each experiment. (E): Representation of SOX9+/PTF1A−, PTF1A+/SOX9−, and SOX9+/PTF1A+ cell subpopulations (individual plot of the percentage of cells over total pancreatic digestion) at different GA (n = 1, 13.5W; n = 2, 14W; n = 3, 17–17.5W). Reduction of the SOX9+/PTF1A+ pool was detected over time with a concomitant increase of PTF1A+ only cells. SOX9+ cells represented a minor fraction, displaying minimal change among GA.