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. 2019 Nov 19;10:2042018819888824. doi: 10.1177/2042018819888824

Table 3.

A summary of intervention studies examining the effects of reduced physical activity with countermeasures to reduce metabolic and musculoskeletal effects. The table outlines the participant cohorts (including age, BMI), details of the inactivity intervention and countermeasure used, along with key results.

Reference Participants Inactivity Countermeasure Main findings
Moore et al.71
14 days SR
+ RT
14 male older adults
(71 year, 25% body fat)
>3500 step/day
Activity by SenseWear.
Steps/day ↓:
BL 7011,
SR <1500
SR only
6 sessions of unilateral low-load, high-effort resistance exercise (i.e. three sessions/week with at least 48 h between sessions) with a randomly selected leg
RT associated with greater muscle fibre CSA, satellite content and capillarization.
Devries et al.57*
14 days SR + RT ± nutritional supplement
30 older men (70 years, 27 BMI)
>3500 step/day
3 groups (1) whey isolate, (2) micellar-whey, (3) micellar-whey + citrulline
(n = 10 each group)
Activity by SenseWear.
Steps/day ↓:
BL 6273–7714,
SR 1161–1288
Dietary intervention during SR.
Throughout SR, participants performed 6 sessions of unilateral low-load, high-effort resistance exercise (3 sessions/week with at least 48 h between sessions) with a randomly selected leg
MPS similar across groups so dietary groups were collapsed to compare SR and SR+RT legs.
MPS lower in SR than SR+RT in postabsorptive and postprandial states.
Walhin et al.27*
7 days SR
+ overfeeding
± aerobic exercise
26 young males
(25 year, 24 BMI)
Activity by Actiheart.
BL highly active >30 min 3× week,
Steps/day ↓ with ↑ dietary intake +50% (SUR); additional subgroup with exercise (SUR+EX).
SUR: 12,562–3520 and SUR+EX 10,544–3690 step/day
SUR (n = 14)
SUR+EX (n = 12):
45 min of daily treadmill running at 70% of maximum oxygen uptake
Vigorous-intensity exercise counteracted most effects of short-term overfeeding and under-activity at whole-body level and in adipose tissue, despite standardized energy surplus
Perkin et al.48
14 days SR + exercise
30 older men
(aged 65–80 years)
Activity by pedometer.
Steps/day ↓:
BL >3500,
SR <1500
SR only (n = 10)
Progressive RT group (n = 10)
‘Exercise snacking’ home-based group (n = 10)
Not yet reported

BL, baseline; BMI, body mass index; CSA, cross-sectional area; EX, exercise; h, hour; MPS, muscle protein synthesis; RT, resistance training; SR, step reduction; SUR, energy surplus; * studies also listed in Tables 1 and 2 but described in a different context; ↑ significant increase; ↓ significant decrease.