Overview images of z-axis collapsed stacks of RNAscope WH-FISH of the organ of Corti (OC). Note that all three probes (Myo7a in a; Ntf3 in b; Cdc42 in c) show specific targeted expression in the organ of Corti (OC). However, Cdc42 as an actin polymerization regulating protein is present in all cells at variable levels. Combining all three labelings shows overlap with discrete cellular distribution that is not resolvable at this level of magnification (d). WH-FISH for Ntf3 (green) can be combined with anti-Myo7a immunofluorescence (lilac in e) and Hoechst nuclear staining (blue in e) but we noticed a slight reduction in overall WH-FISH signal (compare Ntf3 signal in b and e) leaving more prominent labeling around inner hair cells in the GER. Abbreviations: Cdc42 cell division cycle 42, GER greater epithelial ridge, IHC inner hair cell row, Myo7a myosin VIIa, Ntf3 Neurotrophin 3, OC organ of Corti, OHC outer hair cell row