Table 1.
Abbreviation | Meaning |
BQE | Biological quality element (biological communities, e.g., phytoplankton, benthic invertebrates, used to assess ecological status) |
Classification | The WFD classification scheme for ecological status specifies five status classes: high, good, moderate, poor and bad, based on the extent of deviation from reference (=near-natural) conditions |
DIN | Dissolved inorganic nitrogen: nitrate-N + nitrite-N + ammonium-N, measured on a filtered water sample |
Ecological status | Assessment of the quality of the structure and functioning of surface water ecosystems; determined by biological quality elements, supported by hydromorphological and physico-chemical quality elements |
Good ecological status | WFD objective for all water bodies; defined as a slight variation from undisturbed conditions |
N | Nitrogen |
Nutrient criteria | Water quality standards used to protect the waters from nutrient enrichment, consisting of nutrient parameter, metrics and threshold |
• Parameter | N or P fraction measured (TN, TP, SRP etc.) |
• Metrics | Statistics used (mean, median, percentile, annual, seasonal etc.) |
• Threshold | Nutrient concentration representing the threshold between two quality classes; good-moderate class threshold – between good and moderate class |
P | Phosphorus |
SRP | Soluble Reactive Phosphorus: measures dissolved inorganic P + readily-hydrolysed (labile organic-, condensed- and colloidal-) P fractions in a filtered water sample with no digestion stepa |
TN | Total Nitrogen: measures dissolved + particulate inorganic and organic N fractions in an unfiltered water sample with a digestion step |
TP | Total Phosphorus; measures TRP + dissolved and particulate organic P fractions in an unfiltered water sample with a digestion step. |
TRP | Total Reactive Phosphorus: measures SRP + readily-hydrolysed particulate P fractions in an unfiltered water sample without a digestion stepa |
Water Framework Directive WFD | Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC establishing a framework for community action in the field of water policy. |
See Jarvie et al. (2002).