Table 5.
Good-moderate class threshold values for rivers reported by member states compared with the values from the studies linking nutrient concentrations to good ecological status. MS – member states, SRP - soluble reactive phosphorus, TP - total phosphorus, TN – total nitrogen.
River broad type | Phosphorus (μg L−1) |
Nitrogen (mg L−1) |
Reference | ||
MS threshold values (range and [median]) | Literature data | MS threshold values (range and [median]) | Literature data | ||
1 | SRP 70–310 [91] | 46 | NO3 1.0–5.7 [2.0] | 1.4 | Phillips et al., 2018 |
1 | TP 35–400 [150] | 75 | TN 0.7–10 [2.8] | – | Phillips et al., 2018 |
3 | SRP 70–400 [82] | 28–45 | TN 0.5–10 [2.3] | 1.1–3.5 | Phillips et al., 2018 |
9 | SRP 10–400 [82] | 25–51 | TN 0.4–10 [1.5] | 1.7–2.5 | Phillips et al., 2018 |