*Bradbury-Squires et al29
RM |
Bushell et al30
FR |
n = 31 (19 males, 12 females)
Adults who were physically active at least 1.5 hours per week who hadn't recently foam rolled
3 sets of 60s with 30s rest in between sets
180s total
1 FR session during each of sessions 1 & 2, and 5x in 7 days between 1 & 2
Casanova et al16
RM |
n = 20 (18 males, 2 females)
Adult athletes with occasional resistance training experience and no recent ankle injuries
*Cheatham et al17
FR |
D'Amico & Paolone31
FR |
Gluteals, hip flexors, quadriceps, iliotibial band, adductors, and calves
*Jay et al19
RM |
Increase in ROM at 10m (p = 0.03) post-RM in RM group vs control
Increase in ROM immediately (p = 0.03) post-RM in RM group vs within-subject control (contralateral leg)
Acute, transient effect: no other statistically significant data on ROM
*Junker & Stoggl32
FR |
3 sets of 30-40s, bilaterally
180-240s total (mean = 210s)
3 FR sessions per week for 4 weeks
Increase in ROM immediately (p = 0.033) post FR in FR group vs control
No significant difference in ROM between FR group and PNF stretching group
No analysis of chronic effects
Kelly & Beardsley33
FR |
n = 26 (16 males, 10 females)
Recreationally active adults performing exercise 2-3 times per week on average
*MacDonald et al (2014)20
FR |
Quadriceps, hamstrings, adductors, iliotibial band, and gluteals
*MacDonald et al (2013)34
FR |
Macgregor et al23
FR |
*Mohr et al14
FR |
Increase in ROM regardless of treatment group (p = 0.001)
FR + static stretching (SS) group's ROM increased significantly more than SS (p = 0.04), FR (p = 0.06), or control (p = 0.001)
Morales-Artacho et al24
FR |
No significant difference in ROM in the FR group vs control
Cycling + FR as a warm-up significantly increased ROM at 5 (p0.001) and 30m (p = 0.046) vs control, but was no better than the cycling group vs control alone
*Phillips et al25
FR |
n = 24 (8 males, 16 females)
Physically active adults, exercising at least 3 times per week
Increase in kneeling lunge knee ROM in both FR groups (p<0.01) vs control
Effects of both FR groups were statistically similar, however FR60 had a moderate effect (d = 0.58), while FR300 had a large effect (d = 0.85)
*Smith et al26
FR |
*Sullivan et al27
RM |
n = 17 (7 males, 10 females)
Recreationally active adults participating in physical activity roughly 3 times per week
1 or 2 sets of 5 or 10s
5, 10, or 20s total
Increase in ROM regardless of treatment group (p = 0.0001) vs control
Non-significant trend toward increase in ROM in the 10s groups (p = 0.069) vs 5s groups, regardless of set number
Wilke et al28
FR |