Figure 5.
Community structures or individuals from (a) multilayer InfoMap community detection and (b) monolayer InfoMap community detection. Each row represents an individual dolphin, and each column represents a behavioural situation. In the multiplex community detection (a), communities can span all three columns of behaviours, and individuals who are the same colour in one or more columns belong to the same community. Community colours are the same as those in Fig. 4. Note that an individual who appears in all three layers can be assigned to the same community in all three situations (and therefore have the same colour in all three columns). An individual can also be part of three different communities and it then has different colours in each layer. It can also be assigned twice to one community and once to another, In monolayer InfoMap (b), each behavioural situation (as well as the aggregate monolayer network in the last column) yields a separate set or communities, so we use a different colour palette in each column. Individuals in the same column and the same colour are assigned to the same community. In both panels, white represents individuals who were not observed in the associated behavioural situation.