Figure 6. Summary data of truncated power law exponents across treatments.
(A) Images and diagrams of the pattern of expression targeted in each genotype. (B) Comparison of μ exponents of the truncated Lévy power-law best model fits to exploration patterns of BL/ + and shits/+ control larvae with intact nervous systems, BL >shits with blocked brain and a section of the SOG, and BLsens > shits with blocked brain, SOG and somatosensation, within the Lévy range (1 < µ ≤3; range bounds denoted by grey dotted lines). Scatter plot and mean (± SD) exponents: note the theoretically near-optimum search pattern (µoptopt2) of BLsens > shits larvae demonstrated by the mean exponent (µ) of 1.96. (C) Scatter plot and mean (± SD) of μ exponents of the truncated Levy power-law best model fits for the mushroom body experiment at 33°C. The data distribution was not normal using D'Agostino-Pearson normality test. A Kruskal-Wallis test showed significant differences between the genotypes p=0.0002, H(8)=28.27. Post doc Dunn's multiple comparisons relevant test results are shown on the graph.