Proposed model for inhibition of HAC1u mRNA splicing by RTA.
A, HAC1u mRNA associates with ribosomes and begins to be translated as the 5′ end emerges from the nucleus. When the intron at the 3′-UTR enters the cytoplasm, it base-pairs with the 5′-UTR, thereby forming a closed loop that prevents translation initiation. Removal of the intron by IRE1 during ER stress allows translation of HAC1i. B, HAC1u mRNA associates with the ribosome as it is exported from the nucleus. Translation begins, but ribosome depurination by RTA traps ribosomes on HAC1u mRNA, preventing the base-pairing interaction between the 5′-UTR and the intron. The inability to form base pairing impedes the process by which HAC1u can be spliced during ER stress.