Figure 8.
Representative protein film cyclic voltammograms for adsorbed CjTsdA N254K, C138M, and C138H, and as indicated. Experimental data (black solid lines) for 10 mV s−1 scan rate in 50 mm HEPES, 50 mm NaCl, pH 7, 4 °C. For CjTsdA N254K, first scan, summation (open red circles) of three modeled contributions with Em +203 mV and −115 mV (red dotted lines), −171 mV (red dashed lines). For CjTsdA N254K, steady-state, summation (open blue circles) of two modeled contributions at Em −115 mV and +203 mV. For CjTsdA C138M, summation (open blue circles) of two modeled contributions at Em +94 mV and +174 mV (blue dashed lines). For CjTsdA C138H, summation (open blue circles) of two modeled contributions at Em −100 mV and +160 mV.