Effect of bilateral stimulation of V3 interneurons on flexor and extensor burst duration s and oscillation period in the model. (A) Dependence of flexor and extensor burst duration on stimulation intensity (gChR; shown for the left side only). Intensity of stimulation was gradually changed from 0 to 0.4. The vertical lines (1 and 2) correspond to simulations shown in Figures 8A1,A2, respectively. (B,C) Flexor and extensor burst duration and period of oscillations in a series of model experiments (n = 12) with randomly chosen parameters α and gChR before (gray circles) and during (blue circles) bilateral stimulation of V3 populations. Each circle represents the average value of estimated parameter for one simulation. Light blue lines connecting two circles represent parameter increase in one simulation Thick, dark blue line represent the average of increase.