Fig. 1.
Magnetization induced by the Rashba-Edelstein effect in antiferromagnetic CuMnAs. a Sketch of the tetragonal unit cell of CuMnAs with the magnetic moments constrained to the c-axis. The inset depicts the direction of the crystal axes. The red arrows on the manganese atoms represent the initial magnetic moments. Applying an electric field along the (100) direction (gray arrow) induces a nonequilibrium magnetization mainly along the (010) direction (green arrows). b Symmetry of the induced spin magnetization as a function of the static electric-field direction for Mn. c Symmetry of the induced orbital magnetization as a function of the static electric-field direction for Mn. d Real parts of the nonzero tensor components (labeled , with x, y, or z) of the spin and orbital Rashba-Edelstein susceptibilities, and , as function of the electric-field frequency, .