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. 2019 Nov 19;60:69–92. doi: 10.3897/mycokeys.60.38040

Table 2.

Distribution, host and available sequence data of Simplicillium lanosoniveum strains.

Species Strain no. Host and habitat Origin Available gene region Morphological description Reference
S. lanosoniveum CBS123.42 Hair of Cibotium schiedei (Plant) Netherland ITS, LSU GenBank; Zare and Gams (2001)
Cs0701 Salvinia molesta (Plant) Taiwan ITS Chen et al. (2008)
PSU-ES104 Enhalus acoroides (Plant) Trang Province, Thailand ITS Supaphon et al. (2014)
CBS 531.72 Salvinia rotundifolia (Plant) USA ITS Zare and Gams (2001)
Tr3 Salvia miltiorrhiza (Plant) China ITS GenBank
YLAC-5 Endophytic on Inula aconitum (Plant) China ITS GenBank
Endophytic on seaweed (Plant) India SSU GenBank
E1, E3, E5 Endophytes of Sophora alopecuroides (Plant) Ningxia, China SSU, ITS Yu et al. (2013)
GA-B1 Grewia asiatica (Plant) Shivalik region, Jammu, India SSU GenBank
IMI 303103b Hemileia vastatrix (Rust) Colombia ITS, SSU Zare and Gams (2001), Kouvelis et al. (2008)
AMH 9654 Rust pustules on leaves of Elaeagnus sp. India LSU, ITS Baiswar et al. (2014)
D082307-2A Soybean rust Louisiana ITS Ward et al. (2011)
vecl-02 Rust of Eleagnus latifolia India ITS GenBank
vecl-01 Rust of Eleagnus latifolia India ITS GenBank
CBS 704.86 Hemileia vastatrix (Rust) Venezuela ITS, SSU, LSU, TEF, RPB1, RPB2, ATP GenBank; Zare et al. (2000)
S-599 Coleosporium plumeriae (Rust) Campos dos Goytacazes, GJ, Brazil ITS Berlanga-Padilla et al. (2018)
D082307-2A-GFP15 Phakopsora pachyrhizi (Rust) Florida, USA Gauthier et al. (2014)
HKAS 102447 Ophiocordyceps unilateralis (Fungi) Chiang Mai, Thailand SSU, LSU, ITS, TEF, RPB1 This study
TYL001 Pseudaulacaspis pentagona (Insect) Shanxi Province, China ITS, SSU Wang et al. (2016)
SSBG2 Coccus hesperidum (Insect) The South-Siberian Botanical Garden, Russia ITS Skaptsov et al. (2017)
TAMA 173 Aphidoidea sp. (Insect) Ibaraki, Japan ITS Fukuda et al. (2014)
CHE-CNRCB 373 Diaphorina citri (Insect) Colima, USA ITS Berlanga-Padilla et al. (2018)
ARSEF 8822 Culicid (Insect) Tanzania Hubner-Campos et al. (2013)
ARSEF7550 Coccoidea (Insect) Brazil TEF GenBank
1T9BA Tick (Insect) New York, USA ITS Greengarten et al. (2011)
Btab03 Bemisia tabaci (Insect) South Korea ITS GenBank
113-8 Mosquitoes (Insect) Japan ITS Ishii et al. (2015)
S. lanosoniveum 7S Heterodera schachtii (Nematode) Iran ITS GenBank
Hair of giant panda (Animal) China ITS GenBank
2502 Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (Human) China ITS GenBank
41559-3 Cave and mine New York State, USA ITS, LSU GenBank
CBS 321.72 Malaysia SSU, LSU, ITS Genbank; Summerbell et al. (2011)
CBS 322.72 Malaysia ITS GenBank

Note: ‘√’ means related data are available. The strains collected from Thailand are indicated with black bold.