Characterization of biofilm growth and bacteriophage survival in ΦPaer14-encapsulating hydrogels in vitro. Bacterial and bacteriophage concentration reported as log transform of CFU/PFU per mg of hydrogel (a,b) or per whole hydrogel (c). (a) Viable ΦPaer14 encapsulated in hydrogels before and after 24-hr biofilm generation protocol. (b,c) concentration of live PsAer-9 recovered from biofilms grown on untreated and ΦPaer14-encapsulating hydrogels. (d-i) fluorescent staining of live bacteria (d,e), dead bacteria (f,g), and biofilm-associated proteins (h,i) after 24-hr biofilm generation protocol on untreated and bacteriophage-encapsulating hydrogels. 25 μl gels containing 1 mM RGD, 1.0 × 107 PFU of ΦPaer14 per gel, crosslinked with VPM. Two-tailed t test. Mean ± SEM, n = 5–8 per group, *p < 0.05 **p < 0.001, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001