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. 2019 Nov 27;16:112. doi: 10.1186/s12966-019-0877-3

Table 1.

Participant characteristics at baseline (n (%) unless indicated)

n = 157 unless indicated
n = 157 unless indicated
Total sample
n = 314 unless indicated
Stratification & minimisation variables
Site Exeter 86 (55) 84 (54) 170 (54)
Birmingham 71 (45) 73 (47) 144 (46)
Gender (men) 69 (44) 68 (43) 137 (44)
Age categories 18–54 years 39 (25) 39 (25) 78 (25)
55–64 years 43 (27) 45 (29) 88 (28)
65–75 years 75 (48) 73 (47) 148 (47)
BMI categories 23–29.99 kg/m2= 65 (41) 64 (41) 129 (41)
30–36.99 kg/m2 72 (46) 72 (46) 144 (46)
37–45 kg/m2 20 (13) 21 (13) 41 (13)
Socio-demographic & socio-economic characteristics
Mean (SD) age (years) 61.29 (9.86) 61.46 (9.99) 61.38 (9.91)
Ethnicity White British 107 (68) 124 (79) 231 (74)
White other 10 (6) 2 (1) 12 (4)
Asian 26 (17) 20 (13) 46 (15)
Black 12 (8) 10 (6) 22 (7)
Mixed 2 (1) 1 (1) 3 (1)
Employment status Retired 73 (47) 79 (50) 152 (48)
Employed/self employed 65 (41) 56 (36) 121 (39)
Unemployed 12 (8) 13 (8) 25 (8)
Long-term sick/disabled 2 (1) 3 (2) 5 (2)
Carer 1 (1) 4 (3) 5 (2)
Other 4 (3) 2 (1) 6 (2)
Level of education Primary 5 (3)a 2 (1) 7 (2)b
Some secondary 5 (3)a 2 (1) 7 (2)b
Secondary to 16 years 52 (33)a 50 (32) 102 (33)b
Secondary to 18 years 10 (6)a 11 (7) 21 (7)b
Additional training 47 (30)a 59 (38) 106 (34)b
Undergraduate 24 (15)a 22 (14) 46 (15)b
Postgraduate 13 (8)a 11 (7) 24 (8)b
Median (IQR) Index of Multiple Deprivation score (IMD) 20.38 (21.33) 19.42 (21.72) 19.75* (21.19)
IMD quintiles 1 most deprived 16 (10) 21 (13) 37 (12)
2 32 (20) 33 (21) 65 (21)
3 35 (22) 39 (25) 74 (24)
4 42 (27) 32 (20) 74 (24)
5 least deprived 32 (20) 32 (20) 64 (20)
Clinical characteristics
Any long term condition 114 (73) 115 (74)c 229 (73)d
Smoking 13 (8) 22a (14) 35b (11)
Disability 20 (13) 19 (12) 39 (12)
Mean (SD) weight (kg) 86.82 (13.37) 87.74 (16.76) 87.28 (15.14)
Mean (SD) HbA1c (mmol/mol) from point-of-care test 39.69 (2.73) 39.88 (3.06) 39.79 (2.90)
HbA1c in non-diabetic hyperglycaemia range (42–47 mmol/mol) from point-of-care test 42 (27) 45 (29) 87 (28)

*Compared to 17.4 for England [57]

an = 156; bn = 313; cn = 155; dn = 312