Table 1.
Method | Purpose | Approach used |
General algorithm | Relevant output |
Random Forest (RF) | Classification and regression | Supervised Unsupervised | Ensemble method that grows many classification trees based on training data, runs input data down trees, and the classification with the most votes is chosen. | Proximity matrix |
Variational Autoencoder (VAE) | Generative model | Unsupervised | Compresses data through multiple encoding layers into latent variables, then un-compresses latent variables through multiple decoder layers into reconstructed data. Learns the marginal likelihood distribution of the data using latent variables. | Latent variables (two-dimensional encoding) |
t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) | Data embedding and visualization | Unsupervised | Constructs probability distribution of sample pairs, then minimizes divergence between high dimensional space and low dimension embedding, such that similar pairs are embedded nearby while dissimilar pairs are repelled. | Low dimensional embedding |