Concept and working principle of reconfigurable chiral meta-molecules. (a) Chirality origin in colloidal meta-molecules. The balls with different colors represent colloids with different materials. (b) Working principle of the reconfigurable opto-thermophoretic assembly of chiral meta-molecules. The red and green arrows represent the incident and scattering light, respectively. (c) Colloid-micelle interaction in the light-generated temperature field. (d) Measured trapping stiffness of single 300 nm AuNSs measured at different CTAC concentrations. (e) Interparticle interaction potential U between two 300 nm AuNSs at different CTAC concentrations. The green color indicates stable trapping or assembly region, while red color indicates that the trapping or assembly is not stable. T is the temperature and kB is the Boltzmann constant.