Table 1. A selected review of studies that used or adapted the school engagement scale by Fredricks et al [9].
First Author | Year | Sample | Males | Grade | Age range | Relation with age | Relation with gender | Strongest component | Country |
Teuscher [43] | 2018 | 220 | 115 | 7th and 9th | 14.7* | ns | ns | n/r | Switzerland |
Sanyal [44] | 2017 | 300 | 75 | 8th to 10th | 13–16 | n/r | ns | n/r | India |
Mai [21] | 2015 | 460 | 199 | n/r | 12–17 | n/r | n/r | Emotional | Malaysia |
Ramos-Diaz [47] | 2016 | 1543 | 728 | n/r | 12–18 | sig | sig | Emotional | Spain |
Dolzan [16] | 2015 | 250 | 64 | n/r | 13–21 | n/r | n/r | n/r | Italy |
Vazirabadi[45] | 2010 | 362 | 194 | 8th | n/r | n/r | ns | n/r | USA |
Zahed [48] | 2013 | 360 | n/r | 6th, 7th, 8th | n/r | n/r | n/r | n/r | Iran |
Yusof [49] | 2017 | 1027 | 596 | 7th, 8th, 9th | 12–19 | n/r | n/r | Cognitive | Singapore |
Fredricks [42] | 2003 | 991 | n/r | 3th, 4th, 5th | n/r | sig | sig | Emotional | USA |
* Age in years, reported as a mean or range. n/r = not reported, sig = significant, ns = not significant